Frequently Asked Questions
Do you take insurance?
Dr. Koffman does not take insurance.
However, he is committed to assisting the client with the possibility of reimbursement.
The client is encouraged to contact their insurance company is advance and inquire about specific procedure codes:
90791 Parent intake – 1 hour
96130 psych testing 1x (base)
96131 (for additional hours) OR 96132 neuropsych testing 1x (base)
96133 (for additional hours)
90887 Feedback – 1 hour
It is important to know that some companies will pay for certain types of testing but not others. Accordingly, each of the above codes should be mentioned. In addition, the prospective patient should emphasize that this is a NEUROpsychological evaluation to address the presence of a possible learning disorder and/or behavioral/emotional issues.
They are encouraged to mention any concerns regarding attention (e.g, ADHD), learning (e.g., reading/dyslexia, math, etc), behavior (e.g., impulse control, rigidity, etc) and/or mood (e.g., anxiety, depression, esteem issues, etc), as applicable.
Some companies require pre-certification. Dr. Koffman is happy to assist in this process.
How much will the evaluation cost?
Testing begins with a one-hour, no obligation, history-gathering (intake) session with the parent(s). The cost for this session is $250. Dr. Koffman will explain the financial expectation at that session for the anticipated time required for the individualized assessment.
How do I know if it is the right time to get an evaluation?
If there are any concerns or even hints of the same on the part of the parent, teacher and/or student, with respect to academics, attention, executive functions, behaviors, socialization or emotional functioning, then pursuit of a full educational and neuropsychological evaluation is strongly recommended.
What records will you want from me related to my child?
information from your child's referral source
all relevant medical and personal records
all relevant school records, including: psychological evaluation reports, speech/language, physical therapy or occupational therapy reports, psychoeducational records, individualized education plans, 504 plans (plans listing modifications and accommodations for your child under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act)
Where are you located and how can I contact you?
Email: welcome@drkoffman.com
Phone: (973) 908-4860
Address: 460 Bloomfield Ave, Suite 400, Montclair, NJ 07042