Diagnosing Adult ADHD
It’s never too late to seek a diagnosis or treatment for ADHD and any other related mental health condition. Effective treatment can make daily life easier and more manageable. For adults with ADHD, treatment may include medication, psychotherapy, better sleep habits, organizational training, or a combination of these approaches.
Can You Develop ADHD as an Adult?
ADHD is diagnosed differently in adults. Adults with ADHD often have a history of poor or arduous academic performance, work problems, and strained relationships. They may find it challenging to stay organized, stick to a job, keep appointments, perform daily tasks, or complete large projects.
It’s a ‘Reading Comprehension’ Issue… Except When it Isn’t
We all have had the experience of reading something but not processing it. We may have read every word but not taken any of it in. Why does this happen? Because we are not fully focused. For adults, this can be a passing annoyance. For a student, however, this can be far more consequential, bringing down grades and their self-esteem along with it.
How do I get tested for ADHD?
As a diagnostician of problems with learning and emotions for over 20 years, perhaps the most common concern I hear from parents is that their child is having difficulty concentrating in school. This may have been going on for years, and the parents feel increasingly helpless and overwhelmed.
Can Autism and ADHD Overlap?
Many of the students I work with have attention challenges. Some have suspected autism. Some have both. For many parents, this differentiation can be confusing.
Does My Child Have Autism?
Autism is one of the more challenging diagnoses for clinicians in all fields, including among my own psychologist colleagues, including pediatricians, teachers and psychiatrists!
IQ: The Motor that Powers the Car
I liken a child’s IQ score to that of a motor, or engine, that powers the car. We need the motor to be healthy, running smoothly, and producing sufficient horsepower. With that said…. we need to inspect the rest of the car too!
The Invisible Wall: When Students are Cruising, Until They Aren’t
Bright students often have become increasingly frustrated with school as the demands have ramped up. I call this “hitting the invisible wall,” and it takes an emotional toll.
My Child Can Play Lego for Four Straight Hours. He Can't Possibly Have ADHD....Right?
One of the most frustrating aspects of being a parent to a school-aged child is the feeling that they are not performing to the heights of their potential. We see our kids struggle and become frustrated and this, in turn, causes us also to feel frustrated, maybe even irritated or even exasperated. The good news is that most of the factors standing in the way of your child’s ability to thrive are identifiable and correctable.
Does Your Child Have ADHD or Anxiety? It Can Be so Hard to Tell!
ADHD and anxiety are the most commonly diagnosed conditions in children, but oftentimes the symptoms overlap! This makes it difficult to tell whether your child has ADHD or Anxiety. Read the article to learn more!
Signs That Your Child May Have ADHD
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common disorders in children. In this post, I’ll show you the most common signs of ADHD in children.
Executive Dysfunction
As a Clinical Neuropsychologist who assesses children and adolescents, one of the most common complaints I hear from parents is how scattered and disorganized their children are. These are challenges in the area of what are called executive functioning.
School vs. Private Evaluation - The Pros and Cons
Should your child have a school evaluation or a private one? In this post, I’ll break down the pros and cons of each type!
IQ-What Does It Really Tell Us?
Over the years, you’ve probably heard about geniuses taking IQ tests and coming out with high numbers.
But what do those numbers really tell us? Should you have your child take an IQ test?
The Importance of Sleep on Mood and Focus
Over the years, you’ve probably heard that everyone needs around 7-9 hours of sleep (or more for children!), but do you know why sleep is important?
How Teachers Can Accommodate Kids with ADHD
Despite what people think, kids with ADHD have it in them to do well in school. Keep reading to learn how teachers can best accommodate children with ADHD in the classroom!
Top 5 Study Tips for Your Student
Studying is the best way to help your child prepare for tests, but how do you get a child with ADHD to focus on studying? I’m sharing 5 study tips that’ll help your child succeed in this post!
How the Covid Pandemic has Affected The Mental Health of Teens
A compelling article from the New York Times on the pandemic and the mental health of teens.
The pandemic has taken a toll on the mental health of millions. But adolescents have been hit especially hard…
Is Boredom a Sign of ADHD?
One of the most common buzzwords I hear from parents with whom I work, in talking about their child, is ‘boredom.’ Their child often uses this word, including in school, though also in dealing with homework and for tasks they don’t want to do.
Whenever I hear this, my first consideration is the possibility of ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
How Does ADHD Affect a Child’s Performance?
Everybody can have difficulty sitting still, paying attention or controlling impulsive behavior once in a while.
It is simply not possible for anyone to be fully locked in 100 percent of the time.
Our brains aren’t ‘wired’ that way!
So what can we do?